

Hitchcock and Film Noir

Film Noir was a movement and genre of crime films made by Hollywood in the 1940s and 1950s. It consisted most often of a murder, sometimes accompanied by a robbery;…

Letter to a Grandson

For Arthur Rules of the Game 1. Be benevolent. Benevolent means willing the good of others. 2. Be honest. Even when it hurts. 3. Be as good as your word.…

Family Background

In 1870, my father’s mother was born in Bergdorf, Switzerland. As a teenager, she migrated to Philadelphia where she met my grandfather, a plumber. He was the child of Irish…

Art and Religion

All the great religions have produced great art. But just as Pascal argued that of all the religions, Christianity was most closely aligned with human nature, so I would argue…

On Going Blind

Isn’t it ironic that a person whose life was devoted to reading books and watching movies should near the end of his journey going blind? Over twenty-five years ago my…

Letter to Cornel West

Thomas Woodrow Wilson graduated from the College of New Jersey, now Princeton University, in 1879. In 1886, he was awarded a Ph.D. in history and government from Johns Hopkins University, then in…

Dr. Robert Lustig’s Metabolical*

Not since Rachel Carson’s The Silent Spring (1962) has a book so alarmed and awakened me. Dr. Robert Lustig is Professor Emeritus of Pediatric Endocrinology at the University of California,…